Laundry Room Organization Tips

If you often find your laundry piling up, try out these organization tips to help you get everything in order!

  • Separate clothes as you wear them

    • At the end of each day, separate your clothes by color into different hampers to make it easier when laundry day comes.

  • Create a folding station in your laundry room

    • Adding a countertop above your washer and dryer can be a great place to store laundry supplies and fold clean clothes.

  • Hide your ironing board

    • Installing your ironing board in a drawer will save closet space and allow you to speed up the ironing process.

  • Put a hanging rack over your door

    • Using a hanging rack on the back of your door allows you to conveniently store cleaning supplies, detergents, etc.

  • Purchase a foldable drying rack

    • If you often need to air dry certain clothing items, buying a drying rack will be very beneficial for you. When you’re not using them, they easily fold up and can be hidden away.